Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Cheap and Cheery Green Living

I create this blog to share how you can live cheap and cheery green life style...
I came from Thailand where people make do with what they have. (and you will be amazed how creative they are.-- I will blog about this later)

When my mother visited me in the US, she was very irritated that people keep using disposable containers. (everyting from paper/plastic cups, plastic utensils, food packagings and etc.)
she said that you know how much does it cost to produce all these plastics and papers. What a waste!

When I grew up, I used to be embarrased by her stinginess. Later on in life, when I become more aware of the environmental issues, I start to think that her stinginess actually could save the world. If we all are willing to change our habbits and start living a green life style!

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